It seems like a fitting time to write another blog post. I’m on Koh Samui (a neighboring island) renewing my visa so I can stay for another month.
The last month has been filled with so much, I keep telling people it equally feels like I have been here for 5 days and 6 months. We fit so much into one day, but also have 'island time' so everything is super relaxed and carefree. I’ve decided I really enjoy living places instead of just visiting. I love being able to have the insy bit of familiarity and consistency without also getting bored. It's nice to take my time and explore, to see sights around and go on little adventures and see things I wouldn't if I was only here for a few days.
I’ve handled my computer situation as of 15 minutes ago (read about it here). I got a used MacBook and hopefully when I get back I can sell it and also get my other one fixed. Alas, we shall see. Im excited to have a computer again so I can keep working remotely as well. Its not an expense I planned for, but its one I'm okay with spending. I'm really loving my remote job with Its challenging and I love the flexible role I have there too.
It’s really exciting planning out the months and seeing what fun adventures I have that lay ahead of me. Keep following, we've got some fun adventures in the Philippines next! I’m learning a lot about myself through this journey too and I wouldn’t trade it. I’m learning that I’m a good sport, about almost everything. I’m learning that I love organizing and planning; whether it be people or businesses or rooms. I love systems and order and implementing them and managing.
I really love naps and I also really love rice.
I love the feeling of riding through a muddy wet half asphalt road on a motorbike. I love feeling smart enough to do all these things by myself.
I’m also learning the painful lesson of how much I don’t want to be alone, and maybe what things I can work on everyday to attract the kind of person/people I’m trying to meet.
It’s really interesting thinking about when I was sitting in the airport in Denver, all packed and full of anxiety and uncertainty, to where I am here. I couldn’t have dreamt this up, and for that I am so grateful.
Feel free to call or text me whenever. Im missing home and loved ones more than ever right now during the 'holiday' season. I love you all and can't wait to give you a squeeze.